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A Glimpse of Western Masterpieces: Exhibition of Prints Collected by Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University


A Glimpse of Western Masterpieces: Exhibition of Prints Collected by Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology at Peking University

Exhibition Date

December 25, 2019- May 24, 2020

Exhibition Venue

Temporary Exhibition Hall on the 3rd Floor


Based on the background of Western art history and supported by original Western prints, the exhibition explains the development sequence of art history in chronological order under the unit theme. By showing the unique artistic features of prints, the exhibition aims to render the audience education and enjoyment of the beauty in Western art history. A total of 94 precious original Western prints are on display, including works by masters such as Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, all of which are of great artistic and historical value.

